"Wigan Warriors' attack was best all year," says Adrian Lam

Adrian LamAdrian Lam
Adrian Lam
Adrian Lam hailed a season-best performance as Wigan demolished Huddersfield 38-22 - and move into the top half of the table.

The victory, their third in a row, moved them to sixth and level with fifth-placed Salford, who they host on Friday.

They will head into that match in confident mood after a sparkling show against the Giants.

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Lam said: "For 70 minutes it was probably our best performance of the season.

"Our energy and enthusiasm was fantastic. I don't want to get too excited, I'll keep the players' feet on the ground - all we can control is how we play and our performance and if we do that, the table will take care of itself.

"We attacked the best we had all year and hopefully we can take that home with us - it'll be good to get back to the DW.

"I want to thank the fans, we had six games away from home - it's hard to support a team when you're away for so many weeks in a row."

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Leading the way for Wigan was captain Sean O'Loughlin, who scored one of their six tries, while centre Chris Hankinson finished with 18 points from a try and seven goals.

"Lockers had his best 40 minutes against Leeds but the second 40 was not so good, so I spoke to him and said, 'Let's have a complete performance'," said Lam.

"And I thought he was outstanding, absolutely brilliant - and he's going to get better because he's getting fitter."

Lam reported no injury concerns - Tony Clubb was kept off with a bang to his knee - and expects Dan Sarginson to return to the mix for Friday's visit of Salford.

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Huddersfield coach Simon Woolford said; "Wigan showed more resilience on their goal-line. The desire from our team was, at best, questionable."

Centre Sam Halsall scored two tries as Wigan's Under-19s beat St Helens 36-28 at the Totally Wicked stadium. Jack Bibby, Harry Rushton, Corey Hall and Umyla Hanley also crossed for Shane Eccles' side.