Thug back behind bars after contacting ex

Liverpool Crown CourtLiverpool Crown Court
Liverpool Crown Court
A Wigan man twice breached a restraining order after being jailed for a serious attack on his partner, a court heard.

Trevor Williams repeatedly wrote to his ex Samantha Bowers while serving a 63-month term for attacking her by kicking and causing a punctured lung.

But he was banned from contacting her by a restraining order imposed at the same time he was jailed, said Chris Hopkins, prosecuting. He also rang her three times while serving the sentence in 2014 and on September 10 last year after he was released on licence he contacted her via Facebook.

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Liverpool Crown Court heard that the 38-year-old, who admitted two offences of breaching the restraining order, has since been recalled to prison to serve the rest of his sentence, meaning another two years behind bars.

Judge Steven Everett told Williams, formerly of Queen Street, Wigan, that the order had been imposed to protect Ms Bowers and “to give her peace of mind.”

He said that although the letters began with apologies they could have turned to requests to see her with jealousy creeping in which would have caused her anxiety. “She has moved on with her life but you did not while in custody. She is no longer part of your life. You have to take a long hard look at yourself and say ‘she’s no long part of my life’.”

Christopher McMasters, defending, pointed out that the correspondence had been reciprocal and the Facebook contact was not intentional.