Paths set to be improved at parks across Wigan

Alexandra Park in NewtownAlexandra Park in Newtown
Alexandra Park in Newtown
Work to improve the main paths in the borough’s parks will start later this year as Wigan Council looks to improve accessibility for residents.

The work will be undertaken in a phased approach starting with five key locations: Central Park in Atherton, Jubilee Park in Ashton, Pennington Hall Park in Leigh, Alexandra Park in Newtown and Ashfield Park in Standish.

As well as footpaths in Ashfield Park having a makeover, a new driveway leading up to Ashfield House has been completed.

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The five parks have been prioritised based on footfall and their current condition.

Once repairs in the first phase have been completed then officers will move forward with plans for other main parks.

Two of the principles set out in the Deal 2030 are to create an environment to be proud of and one that inspires residents to seek a healthy and active lifestyle - which is why the investment is so welcomed.

It’s hoped that better access to facilities in borough parks will encourage more residents to use public open spaces and as a result produce mental and physical health benefits.

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Coun Nazia Rehman, cabinet member for finance, resources and transformation, said: “This work across our parks will help to enhance the amazing green spaces we are lucky to have in the borough and will benefit local families and young people first and foremost.

Wigan Council has always been committed to the long-term improvement of our parks and open spaces owing to the health benefits and social value they bring to our communities.

She added: “If anything, the pandemic and enforced lockdown has highlighted the importance of our outdoor spaces and this investment will encourage more of us to keep happy and healthy.”

The decision to act now comes after years of general wear and tear which have led to areas of pathways becoming damaged and uneven.

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