Wigan singers invited to join new choir

Laura Bennett has set up new choir Local VocalsLaura Bennett has set up new choir Local Vocals
Laura Bennett has set up new choir Local Vocals
Laura Bennett is starting the virtual ensemble Local Vocals.

As rehearsals will be taking place over the internet the new group is available to anyone from Lancashire or Greater Manchester.

However, Laura is then hoping to split the singers into a number of choirs later in the year when restrictions allow, and one of these is expected to be based somewhere members from Wigan and St Helens can attend.

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Laura, who is originally from Skelmersdale, is no stranger to working with keen musicians from Wigan as she ran Rock Choirs in the area for several years, but says she has set up Local Vocals as she wants to lead ensembles with a greater community focus.

She says that while the ongoing situation with coronavirus is presenting huge challenges she has found lockdown online choirs were extremely popular last year as residents who have to stay at home look for things to do or hobbies to pursue.

Laura said: “It is so strange. I’ve worked with choirs for the past 10 years and I would never ever have thought a choir could work online.

“It is surprising how much people get out of just having that interaction and that goal of something to work towards.

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“It gives people a focus. It’s all a bit monotonous at the moment and some people are finding it a bit much. They need something else to do apart from watching TV.

“I’ve been doing online choirs since March and it has worked a lot better than I thought it would.

“The beauty of an online choir is that people from further afield can join in. I’m trying to celebrate the community across Greater Manchester and Lancashire. Hopefully when restrictions allow I will be running two choirs, one for the Wigan and St Helens area and the other for Preston, Leyland and Chorley.

“I’ve got preliminary plans in place but there’s no point trying to book anywhere at the moment because we’re all still indoors.”

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Laura says she has so far had around 90 people sign up for Local Vocals and expressed delight at the level of interest.

The choir will sing a range of genres and musical styles, with the first three songs it will learn being Best of My Love by The Emotions, All These Things That I’ve Done by The Killers and Hometown Glory by Adele.

Laura says Local Vocals will also be active raising money for charities in the area.

To find out more visit www.localvocalschoir.com

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