Fitness Column - Keeping warm in the colder nights

Health tips from Xercise4Less fitness guru, The ColonelHealth tips from Xercise4Less fitness guru, The Colonel
Health tips from Xercise4Less fitness guru, The Colonel
AUTUMN is already upon us and snuggly jumpers seem to be our outfit of choice but why not keep extra warm this autumn with a bowl of holiday hottie?

For many of us autumn is the season that screams dark nights, bonfires and comfort food, so here’s one of our delicious soup recipes to fill you to the brim and keep you warm on these dark nights.

Red Lentil, Chilli & Chicken Soup

Here’s what you need to get you started;

1 red onion, chopped

2 tsp cumin seeds

140g split red lentils

Large pinch of chilli flakes

1 tbsp olive oil

800ml vegetable stock

large handful of kale, roughly chopped

400g can of chopped tomatoes

pinch of salt & pepper

200g chicken, cooked and diced

Now here’s where the hard work starts … grab yourself a large saucepan and dry fry the cumin and chilli until they start jumping around the pan like they’re trying to escape! Once they’ve started to release their delicious aromas chuck in the oil and chopped onion and cook for 5 minutes.

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Grab the lentils, tomatoes and stock then throw them all into the pan. Bring this to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes or until you’re happy that the lentils have cooked.

Once cooked add a pinch of salt and pepper and grab your blender – here’s where it gets a little bit messy! Pour in the contents of the saucepan and give it a whizz until it’s a rough puree texture. Put the soup back into the saucepan and chuck in your cooked chicken and simmer for a further 5 minutes and ta daaa, the soup is finished!

Why not get yourself a soft crusty roll, grab a bowl, spoon in a generous helping and enjoy!

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