Hollie Ashurst: Mum to light a candle on anniversary of tot's death

Leanne Thompson with a picture of HollieLeanne Thompson with a picture of Hollie
Leanne Thompson with a picture of Hollie
The grieving mother of toddler Hollie Ashurst will light a candle to mark the first anniversary of her death.

The grieving mother of toddler Hollie Ashurst will light a candle to mark the first anniversary of her death.

And people across Wigan and beyond are being urged to join her by lighting their own candles at 4.30pm on Sunday in memory of the tragic tot.

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It was suggested on a Facebook page named Justice For Hollie, set up by a member of Leanne’s family, and she feels it would be a good way to remember her “Hollie Dollie”.

Flowers at Hollie's funeral serviceFlowers at Hollie's funeral service
Flowers at Hollie's funeral service

Leanne said: “I will definitely be lighting a candle and will be letting off some lanterns for Hollie at home.”

She had planned to spend the anniversary on holiday in Mexico, fearing it would be too painful to be at home, but has decided to postpone the trip.

Lighting candles is just one of the ways Hollie is being remembered.

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Leanne said: “People in Shevington have the go ahead to plant a tree. It will be on the estate where we used to live.”

The pink blossom tree has been funded using donations from the family’s former neighbours and will have a plaque in memory of Hollie.

Leanne said: “It’s very nice of them. I can’t thank them enough.”

Leanne and her fiance Ben are also creating a memorial garden for Hollie in their own garden, complete with holly bushes and an angel statue.

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The anniversary of Hollie’s death comes just days after her father Daniel Ashurst was given a 12-year prison sentence for her manslaughter.

On the sentence, Leanne said: “I’m not happy at all, but I know the judge did his best and with the words that he used, he knows he did those injuries.”

Ashurst carried Hollie’s lifeless body into Standish Medical Practice on February 28 - exactly a year ago today.

She was seriously injured and was rushed to hospital, but she could not be saved and died the next day.

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Ashurst was found guilty of manslaughter after a trial, but was cleared of murder.

The 33-year-old claimed Hollie had been seriously hurt in a number of accidents at their home on Fleming Court, Shevington, and in his car.

But the jury heard it was Ashurst who inflicted the injuries.

Sentencing Ashurst, Mr Justice Dove said: “The love and devotion which I am in no doubt you felt for her was completely betrayed and abandoned, along with the trust that Hollie and her mother had placed in you as her carer, when you lost your self-control and in a ferocious and protracted rage assaulted, abused and killed her.”

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