Heartfelt plea for support from Manchester attack victim's family

Lucy Jarvis' family have said it was "touch and go" following the attack, but now the "brave" teen is awakeLucy Jarvis' family have said it was "touch and go" following the attack, but now the "brave" teen is awake
Lucy Jarvis' family have said it was "touch and go" following the attack, but now the "brave" teen is awake
The family of a Wigan teenager seriously injured in the Manchester bombing have sent out a heartfelt plea for support from the community.

Lucy Jarvis, a college student from Wigan, has been at Salford Royal Hospital since the attack after suffering life-threatening leg and stomach injuries.

Her family has now spoken out for the first time since the attack, asking people to send their well wishes to the teen who was "touch and go" and only woke from a week-long induced coma on Thursday.

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Due to last minute surgery, Lucy missed the One Love Manchester concert and now her family are hoping to share her story in the hope of reaching out to some of her favourite music idols and to read her messages of love and support.

Matt Jarvis, Lucy's cousin, posted an emotive status calling her the "bravest girl he has ever known."

In the post, which has been shared almost 15,000 times in just eight short hours, Matt said: "This is the first time I have posted since the Manchester bombings on 22nd May, due to discretion of my family as we were unsure of what was going to happen.

"My little cousin Lucy Jarvis was horrifically caught up in the incident, taking the full blast to her legs and stomach. She underwent multiple operations after the attack, and it has been touch and go. She woke up on Thursday after being in an induced coma for almost a week. I went to Salford Royal hospital to visit her today in the ICU ward, and she had the brightest smile I have ever seen on her face.

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"She was chatting, laughing and smiling away while i was there, even though she still must be in so much pain, and have so many questions. She has been the bravest girl I have ever known, and I am so proud to have her as part of my family.

"Lucy was so so excited to watch the concert with all her favourite artists tonight,

unfortunately on the TV, as she would have loved to be there in that amazing crowd. However, we found out tonight that she has been took into theatre again last minute to examine the extent of an injury on her foot and ankle sustained in the blast, just before the show was about to start. I imagine she was devastated she missed the show.

"THEREFORE, I have had the idea of if everyone who has read this could send her a message wishing her well wishes, and maybe just maybe if we can all share this status and try and get it trending, it may reach one of the artists she loves so dearly, and maybe even get a message from them to her. I know that would make her world. I know this is a long shot, but it's worth a try.

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So please, EVERYONE, SHARE THIS STATUS and get the word out that she is not forgotten, and she is still in hospital and still recovering from the terrible attack on Manchester.

"My thoughts and prayers are with the 22 who didn't make it, the injured, and the families and friends.

"Don't look back in anger, look forward with love."

During the horrific attack, Lucy was dragged to safety by a steward working at Manchester Arena. Her family have already been in touch with the brave staff who helped to save Lucy's life, to thank them for their efforts.

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