Wigan's Week In Court

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Round-up of people brought before Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court ...

Josh Andrusjak (25): Arcade Street, Wigan - Assaulted Elizabeth Bilsbury by beating her: Jailed for five weeks, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £115.

Nichola Zoe Joan Wallace (42): St Mark’s Avenue, Newtown - Used Facebook to identify the victim of an alleged rape: Fined £391, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £39, pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service.

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Natalie Watkinson (32): Buchanan Road, Worsley Hall - Used Facebook to identify the victim of an alleged rape: Fined £120, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £30, pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court

Margaret Ann Kearsley: Belmont Avenue, Bickershaw - Committed fraud by making a false representation to gain Direct Payments for herself: Discharged conditionally for two years, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £20.

Nathan James Massey (20): Butler Street, Wigan - Failed without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements of a community order given for interfering with a motor vehicle: New community order made with rehabilitation activity requirement, fined £30.

John Dearnley (52): Windermere Road, Ince - Drink driving on Dobson Park Way, with 61 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath with the legal limit being 35 microgrammes: Fined £350, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £33, pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service, disqualified from driving for 18 months.

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Scott Lee Round (31): Ashbourne Avenue, Hindley - Drink driving on Central Park Way, Wigan: Fined £276, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £32, pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service, disqualified from driving for 18 months.

Jenna Marie Sharrock (43): Thorburn Road, Norley Hall - Failed to promptly notify Wigan Council of a change in circumstances which they knew would affect their entitlement to Housing Benefit: Discharged conditionally for 24 months, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £20, pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Adele Louise Berry (34): Priory Road, Ashton - Failed to disclose to the Department of Work and Pensions that they were in employment to make a gain of Jobseekers Allowance and Housing Benefit: Community order for 12 months with unpaid work requirement for 180 hours, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £85, pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Megan McDonald (23): Smithwood Avenue, Hindley - Being responsible for two children, caused or procured them to be assaulted, ill treated, abandoned or exposed in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury: Community order for 12 months with rehabilitation activity requirement, fined £100, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £90, pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service.

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Nigel Kevin McDonough (31): Durham Road, Hindley - Failed without reasonable excuse to comply with supervision requirements following a release from prison: Fined £135, pay costs of £65.

Carl Reardon (52): Greenhey, Kitt Green - Found in an enclosed yard at Arrow XL in Wigan with the intention to steal: Community order with four-week curfew, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £85, pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Darren Kay (38): Scholes, Wigan - Stole chocolate to the value of £84 belonging to Poundland and other shoplifting offences from Poundland and Wilko, committed an offence while a suspended sentence order was in place for theft of charity boxes from Mama Mia Pizzeria: Jailed for 20 weeks with the offence being so serious because of a complete disregard for people and their property.