Wigan woman spat in police officer's face

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A Wigan woman was warned she was lucky not to be sent to jail after spitting in a police officer’s face.

Erika Mason launched the disgusting attack on PC Meyrick during her arrest for another matter in Standish.

The 22-year-old, of Greenfield Avenue, Ince, had been arrested for another matter, and spat at the constable when officers were trying to restrain her.

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In a hearing at Wigan Magistrates’ Court, Mason pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker in the execution of her duty.

The court heard how, around 1.30am on Saturday March 23, police were called to reports of a disturbance in High Street, Standish.

Officers attended and found Mason sitting on the pavement, shouting abuse at people and making references to her mental health. She was arrested by police, but a struggle ensued when attempts were made to handcuff her, and she was still being verbally abusive to officers when PC Meyrick tried to intervene.

Prosecutor Katie Beattie told the bench how Mason then spat in PC Meyrick’s face, it landing above her right eye and trickling down her face.

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Mason was subsequently further arrested for the disgusting attack.

She made full and frank admissions to police when questioned about the incident, and said she had lashed out because the officers were using “too much force” when placing her under arrest.

Defending, Ged Frazer told the justices how Mason had “reacted badly” and was not trying to exonerate herself with her explanation.

Mr Frazer also said Mason had faced no further action for the initial matter she was arrested for, details of which were not revealed during the hearing.

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The chairman of the bench told Mason: “That wasn’t a very nice thing that you did to the police officer.

“You can count yourself very fortunate that we didn’t send you into custody.”

Mason was given a 12-month community order, comprising a 15-day rehabilitation activity requirement, a £40 fine and £85 court costs. She must also pay £85 compensation to PC Meyrick.