Wigan man smashed window after being kicked out of nightclub

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A man was so furious at being kicked out of a Wigan nightclub that he smashed the window of a neighbouring venue, a court heard.

Anthony Holland was left outraged at being forcibly removed from Jumping Jaks in Wigan town centre, and being offered no explanation as to why.

After walking off down the street, he then lashed out and punched the window of Bentley’s Bar, mere metres away on the same road, and smashed the glass.

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Appearing at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates’ Court, the 34-year-old of Castleton Way, Winstanley, pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage.

The court heard how Holland had been out with friends in the town centre at around 3.30am on February 5, when two doormen at Jumping Jaks approached him and tried to eject him from the venue.

When he asked them why he was being asked to leave, Holland claimed they refused to answer him, and began to forcibly remove him, along with more staff who also became involved.

Holland admitted he was left “livid” at being man-handled, which then led to him “lashing out” and deliberately striking the window of Bentley’s Bar with his fist.

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As the incident was captured on CCTV, camera operators alerted the police, who tracked a “very drunk” Holland out of the town centre and along Sovereign Road, where he was stopped and arrested.

His solicitor, Bill Dowdall, told the court that his client had acted out in “sheer temper” and had apologised for the crime.

Mr Dowdall said: “He accepts he was angry at being ejected from the club without rhyme or reason.

“He tells me, ‘In sheer temper, I lashed out at the window’. There is absolutely no objection from him to paying for the cost of the damage.

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“The first thing he did when police stopped him was apologise to them for his actions.”

Holland was given a conditional discharge for 12 months.

He must also pay a fine of £300 to repair the broken window, costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £20.