Wigan man punched female police officer in intimate area

Stephen CorfieldStephen Corfield
Stephen Corfield
A female police officer has spoken of her shock after a Wigan man punched her in an intimate area while he was being treated in an ambulance.

Stephen Corfield was being checked over following a domestic disturbance when he launched the surprise attack, Bolton Crown Court was told.

Paramedics had been trying to check his pulse when Corfield turned nasty and began to swear and flick ‘V’ signs at them, the court heard.

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A female police officer, standing nearby, said: “That’s not very nice, is it?”

Corfield, 47, of Victor Close, Kitt Green, replied: “What about this?” and punched her.

The court heard the officer, who was left in immediate pain, was “very upset”.

Interviewed later about the incident following his arrest, Corfield claimed he had been attracted to his victim.

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She told the court: “It never came to my mind that this would have happened.”

Earlier Michael Stephenson, prosecuting, said the incident began when police had been called to Norley Hall Avenue, the home of Zoe and Natasha Seddon, and found Corfield, who was sat in a chair in the front garden.

He was said to have been throwing things but agreed to be checked over by paramedics.

Jailing Corfield for two years, Judge Timothy Clayson said: “This was a violent sexual assault.”

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Martin Pizzey, defending, said his client had issues with epilepsy and alcohol but was supported by his immediate family.

Corfield, who admitted a sexual assault charge, was also orded to sign the sex offenders’ register for 10 years.