Plan to tackle anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour crackdownAnti-social behaviour crackdown
Anti-social behaviour crackdown
A plan of action has been drawn up to stamp out anti-social behaviour after complaints from residents.

Problems range from noise at all hours to a playground being trashed and even people walking around with machetes.

Some residents have even moved house due to the issues in Leigh, which have affected Glebe Street, Gordon Street, Railway Road and the surrounding area.

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Now, Wigan Council, Greater Manchester Police, community leaders and other agencies have met Leigh MP Jo Platt and councillors to pull together a plan of action.

They pledged to address homelessness; tackle fly-tipping; increase the police presence; explore ways to improve community cohesion; have a strategy for private and social housing; and support community events.

The council, police and agencies will work more closely with residents and they hope to have a new community space.

Coun Kevin Anderson, the council’s cabinet member for police, crime and civil contingencies, said: “We are taking the concerns of residents extremely seriously and have come together to identify the actions we can take to get results on this issue.

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“There are a number of practical measures which we have already taken and there will be more which we will work through in the coming weeks.

“While some of the matters raised are very complex and will not be resolved overnight, we are all determined to tackle those causing anti-social behaviour and to improve the quality of life for all residents affected.”

Insp Darryl Codling said: “We remain committed to tackling anti-social behaviour so that residents can enjoy a peaceful summer and will be working closely with our partners to respond to incidents and reduce crimes. I’d urge the community to be proactive in reporting any instances of anti-social behaviour to police on 101.”