Married dad-of-two from Wigan performed lewd act in front of schoolgirls

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A married father of two exposed him self in front of four schoolgirls while on his way to work, a court heard.

John Hilton, of Martins Court, Hindley, approached the group slowly in his car, before winding down the passenger window and performing a lewd act towards them.

Wigan magistrates heard how the 58-year-old, who was described as being naked from the waist down, continued on his commute afterwards “as if nothing had happened”.

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Despite being shaken by Hilton’s actions, the young victims made a note of his car’s registration and wrote it on the back of one of their hands.

Police were called and an immediate investigation was launched into the incident, which took place on the morning Tuesday December 18, on Cedar Road in Leigh.

Because of the girls’ quick thinking to write down the car number plate, an arrest was soon made.

Prosecuting, Tess Kenyon said: “The girls were walking to school when this happened, on a road where the defendant usually does not travel down on his way to work.

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“However, when interviewed, he told police that he didn’t go out with the intention of doing this to school children.

“One of the victims said this behaviour lasted around five seconds, while another said it was more like 30 to 40 seconds, so it is clear to see the distress this has caused them.

“They would not have been timing this, they would have been upset by what they saw, rather than how long it went on for.

“Afterwards, he drove to work like nothing happened.”

Hilton pleaded guilty to this latest charge of exposure at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court.

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Defending Hilton, Andrea Woods said: “My client is currently being supported by professional agencies, who have diagnosed him with a form of mental health disorder.

“Treatment is under way, and he has been compliant with the process.

“My client is not a well man, but there is no evidence that this was a specific targeting of children.

“At the time, he was not taking medication for depression under the advice of his general practitioner, and they have subsequently been replaced and he has been put back on it.”

Hilton was fined £600 for the offence, and was ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £60 and court costs of £85.

He was also placed on the sex offenders’ register for five years.