Fourth Wigan church murder suspect to appear at crown court

Steven McMylerSteven McMyler
Steven McMyler
A fourth person to be charged with the murder of a Wigan man outside the town’s parish church will make his first appearance before a judge on Friday.

Michael Callam Wilson, 20, of Northfield Close, Northwood, Kirkby, accused of the joint-enterprise murder of Steven McMyler and robbery.

After standing before Manchester and Salford magistrates last Friday, Wilson had been due to appear before a Manchester Crown Court judge on Monday but the hearing was delayed until the end of the week.

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Wilson is currently in custody but it is expected that he will make an application for bail.

It was at 7.50pm on Thursday August 6 this year that emergency services were called to the grounds of the church amid reports that a man had been brutally attacked.

Despite paramedics’ best efforts, 34-year-old Mr McMyler was pronounced dead at the scene and a murder inquiry was launched.

A 13-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, and 20-year-old Jordan Short, of Rushkey Hey Road, Kirkby, have both previously been charged with murder.

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A 17-year-old from the Merseyside area, who also cannot be named, has also been charged with joint-enterprise murder.

All three are due to appear at Manchester Crown Court on Monday February 1 next year but will also appear alongside Wilson at Friday’s hearing.

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