Donations pour in to help Wigan Infirmary nurse targeted by thieves

Nurse Vicki ThompsonNurse Vicki Thompson
Nurse Vicki Thompson
Hundreds of pounds have been donated in less than 24 hours to help a Wigan Infirmary nurse targeted by thieves.

Vicki Thompson was "absolutely gutted" on Monday morning when she discovered a table, six chairs and a large sun lounger had been stolen from her garden in Leigh.

She is a sister on Langtree ward at Wigan Infirmary, caring for patients with suspected Covid-19, and loves to relax in her garden when not at work, describing it as her "pride and joy".

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While two of the chairs were found abandoned nearby, Vicki said it would cost £700 to replace the rest of the stolen furniture and warned other people to ensure their items were safe and secure.

The furniture in Vicki's gardenThe furniture in Vicki's garden
The furniture in Vicki's garden

Now, a colleague on the ward has decided to do something to help Vicki replace the furniture and restore her garden to its full glory.

Emma McNamee, a nursing associate who lives in Orrell, set up an online fund-raising appeal and has already collected £350 for Vicki.

She said: "I know how hard-working she is and all the extra hours she put in for extra money. She loves her garden and that's why I did it for her.

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"We have raised £350 in just 24 hours. Even half of what she has lost will make a difference."

She thanked the friends and relatives who have donated to the appeal, as well as strangers who have heard about what happened and wanted to help.

Birkacre Garden Centre in Chorley has offered a 25 per cent discount so Vicki can replace the furniture.

Despite initially feeling hesitant about the appeal, believing there were people "so much more deserving" than her, Vicki said she was grateful for all the support.

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She said: "Emma has been so thoughtful and everyone who has donated, I can't thank them enough. That's not the reason I spoke about it, I just wanted to raise awareness. I'm so grateful, she is such a nice friend.

"I'm so overwhelmed by how nice everyone has been and the generosity. I can't thank everybody enough. People I don't even know have been so generous. It really restores your faith in people. I'm so pleased."

Donations to the appeal can be made hereA message from the Editorial Director, Gillian Parkinson:

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