How can I send a story or contribute to Wigan Today?

You can now send your stories directly to the Wigan Today teamYou can now send your stories directly to the Wigan Today team
You can now send your stories directly to the Wigan Today team
Have you got a story you want to share with our team at the Wigan Today?

Wigan Today has launched a new way for you to submit a story to be published on our website, and the Wigan Observer printed edition.

Using the link below, you can compile your story, upload a picture and send it to our news team using this new easy to use service.

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Have you opened a new business in the area? Have you seen something we need to know about? Are you raising money for charity and need support? Have you got an event you want publicity for? Just visit our Submit Your Story page to get started right now.

You'll have to register with us first, then simply log in and and one of our editors will be reviewing your story in no time at all.

Keep your an eye on for your story.